MER Clinic: Using Maps to Plan Layouts

Presented by Edward C. Ovsenik @ MER Raleigh 2005

Whether an armchair model railroader, in the process of designing or building a dream layout, or have a fully functional model railroad empire, model railroaders are always seeking to better represent an actual area or the "look and feel" of an area. My talk on Using Maps to Plan Layouts will provide you with the means to obtain actual maps of towns and cities from the early 1900 s through the 1945&ndsah; 50 time frame. I will present information on what these maps depict, how to obtain the maps for free, and how to then use them in planning your layout. Sample maps from Hamlet, NC will show how the railroad facilities in and around Hamlet developed over time. Come and learn how to get better information to better plan and build your layout.

Category: Planning; Scale: None

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